This project was a given assignment during Ironhack's UX/UI bootcamp. It had to be completed in 10 days in group of two people. The challenge was presented as a wicked problem about wellness. The result had to be an interactive prototype of a mobile app. Students were free to organize as they wished. 
This project has been a good opportunity to leverage all the tools and methods we have been exposed to during the bootcamp. As usual, we had a lot of decisions to make, based on the data we had previously uncovered. 
Following are the complete set of tools, processes and methods used during the project as well as some illustrations of deliverables, intermediate and final.
The detailed story is available on Medium as a case study article. The link is available below if you want to find more about this project.
Tools, methods and processes
Design thinking - UX Strategy - UX Strategy Blueprint - Trello - CSD Matrix - Business competitive analysis - Interview - Interview guide - Survey - Lean survey Canvas - Empathy map - Persona - User journey map - Crazy8 - Value proposition canvas - MVP - MoSCoW - Visual competitive analysis - Heuristic evaluation - Brand values - Moodboard - Style tiles - Style guide - Sketch - Figma - Lo-fi / Mid-fi / Hi-fi wireframe - Interactive prototype - Micro-interaction - Multistate screen - Usability test - Desirability test - Roadmap - Video capture tool - GIF maker tool - Design critique - Google Slides
The persona built on the data collected during UX research.
The mood board used to build the style tiles and the brand identity.
Key features and principles of the concept.
Lo-fi prototype used to test the concept.
The mid-fi wireframes used to build an interactive prototype on Figma to test the information architecture and the general usability of the product.
Some hi-fi wireframes used to build an interactive prototype on Figma to test and validate the desirability of the product.
An extract of an article published by the US Department of Health and Human Services to support the choices I made during my design process.
Two GIF videos made from my interactive Figma prototype and illustrate the key principles of the experience.
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